Once you’re done
Thank you for hosting a Food Conversation and being part of the UK’s biggest ever conversation about food - a nationwide effort to tell decision-makers what people really want from the food system.
Tell us about it
We’d love to know how your Food Conversation went and what your participants thought. Please click here to fill in a very short form to give us feedback.
Stay in touch
The Food Conversation will continue across the UK throughout 2024 and into 2025.
If you would like to join The Food Conversation community hear about what citizens are saying, and find out about opportunities extend the Food Conversation to new people, join in local action to build a better food system and start influencing decision makers, please email us at foodconversation@ffcc.co.uk
Take action to change the system
There are so many ways that you can get take action to help shape the future of the food system – from volunteering in your community, to making your voice heard, to making personal changes. Find out more here.