Host a Food Conversation

About #TheFoodConversation

The Food Conversation is a much-needed opportunity to ask citizens what they really want from food.

Food is at the centre of some of the biggest challenges we face. Headlines about food security, diet-related ill health, the impact on nature and climate of food production, food bank usage (and more) dominate the media and are part of our daily discourse. Yet, governments have struggled to grasp the nettle on food system policies.

The Food Conversation aims to demonstrate what citizens really think about food – exploring how citizens understand the complexities of the issue and the necessity for change.

Why host a Food Conversation?

We want to increase the reach of The Food Conversation by enabling even more conversations to take place at different scales and in different places across the UK, including the voices of a diverse range of people and organisations, to strengthen the call for change.

We invite you to be part of it by hosting your own Food Conversation, and as a result:

  • Be part of a UK-wide conversation about food

  • Make connections, build relationships and understand people in your community better

  • Contribute to a push for food system change

  • Support people around you to become more active in shaping the future of food

What we offer

Our Food Conversation toolkit includes

  • Links to short explanatory films and talks for use in a conversation

  • Detailed plans and guidance for how to host a conversation

  • Options for a one-day, half-day or 90 minute conversation, online or in person

  • Downloadable materials and activities

  • Tips on hosting a successful conversation

  • A simple and short template to tell us what you covered

  • An invitation for participants to stay involved in The Food Conversation

Join the Food Conversation community

Thinking about hosting a Food Conversation? Please sign up to our Food Conversation community for more information and resources, latest updates from the project and how you can get involved.